iPhone 3GS
After an unfortunate experience, having my beloved phone disappear into thin air on a Buttercup Bake Shop run.. I decided to go all in and do an early upgrade.
The newest iPhone features a built in Compass feature which not only tells you in which direction you're going, but transfigures the Map app. to match your direction. It also allows you to see Satellite photos in real time. I sound like the Apple Genius guy right? But take it from the girl who has been lost abroad more times then I would like to mention, this feature is a God Send. This past January, while on a study abroad trip in Puerto Rico, I successfully navigated an expedition from the center of town back to our hotel with my iPhone. (even though it wasn't exactly my idea to WALK in the first place.. it only took us a couple hours) The compass is just an added bonus and it saves you from having to walk several blocks before realizing you are going in the wrong direction. I speak from experience.
My obsession with the iPhone is the ability to download from 1000s of Apps. Again, not to sound like a salesman or some sort of Apple Geek (I am.. sadly) but the fact that I can customize my phone with apps. of my choosing gives me such a sense of power.. (and I get slightly melodramatic) My apps. tell me anything from the cycle of the moon to the cycle of that not so friendly female friend that comes by to say hello once a month :-( While traveling, I'm focusing on those applications that can help me keep my life organized and connected.

Travel iPhone Application Necessities:
1. Currency
2. Frommer's Guide to Paris
3. Lonely Planet Mobile Phrasebooks (French & Dutch)
4. Sims 3 for iPhone
5. iBlogger (so I can keep in touch with all of you while I'm away:-)
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