Wednesday, October 7, 2009


There is matter and there is anti-matter.
They both are basically the same.
They both are energy.
Anti-matter is the same as normal matter except for the fact that they both have opposite charges.
Instead of positive protons and negative electrons,
Anti-matter has negative protons and positive electrons.
When the two collide they instantly annihalate each other creating pure energy.
The energy is used to create more of like kind, be it positive or negative.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply changes form.
An expanding bubble of radiation
A single flash of light.
Like a Super-Nova
A cosmic twin of opposite form we create with every thought.
There's no "atmosphere" in space.
Matter is ten times more powerful than it's counterpart, Anti-Matter.. which yields 100% efficiency.

A shift in Earth's magnetic field may not necessarily cause...
Atomic explosions in space
But a centering of our hearts around a common area of interest..
Love has the power to shift the moon and the stars.
Love, pure positive power, must always be the center of our motivation.

-- Post From My iPhone

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