Some may say that I just know what I like and that is the reason for the similarity.. That may be true.. But it is also how the Universe works!
For example.. The other day while hanging out with one of my girlfriends, a man approached us and asked if we would like to see a magic trick. We said sure and at the conclusion of the trick he gave us each a million dollar bill..
Well needless to day the bill is not real and he turned out to be a crazynut job.. Later that evening when I got home I remembered that just a few days prior I was thinking that I wanted a million dollar bill for my vision board! I thought about how I was going to get one/make one... Turns out I didn't have to do anything but just be in the right place and the right time..
The more you practice Love.. The Easier it will be to see how positive thinking manifests itself in your life.. It is like your own magic genie!
From My iPhone
I never thought about turning that experience into something positive and visionary. I will create my own vision board and add my million dollar bill to my vision board. I love the blog. keep the great posts coming.