Santa Cruz Organic Lemonade is the TRUTH. And no, Whole Foods is NOT paying me to say this.. (even though they should!) *sends jedi-mind-trick-message to Whole Foods "Please stock my refrigerator with FREE organic, locally grown food!!"
And the summer is not summer without lemonade!

I don't know how the rest of you feel about watermelon, but I personally cringe every time I hear the word.. thinking "my blackness will not allow me to eat watermelon and enjoy it". If any of you have absolutely no idea what I am saying, I encourage you to see Melvin Van Peebles "How To Eat Your Watermelon in White Company (And Enjoy It)".. even though it has little to actually do with watermelon.. but it is a great film! I get so easily distracted...
But anyway, once I spotted this recipe on the Whole Foods website.. I decided that I might just have to give it a go. I think it would be great for an outdoor end-of-summer BBQ!
Serves 16
Oh boy, oh boy! It’s truly the best of summer when you can have lemonade and watermelon at once. Be sure to taste the watermelon first. If it’s very sweet, reduce the sugar. Offer some refreshment to the planet, and economy too, by going organic and local when you can.
6 cups 1-inch cubes seedless watermelon (from about a 5-pound melon)
1 bottle (10-ounce) 365 Everyday Value® Organic Lemon Juice
6 cups water
3/4 cup cane sugar
Crushed ice
Mint sprigs, for garnish
Working in batches as necessary, purée watermelon and lemon juice in blender until smooth; transfer to a large container. Add water and sugar; stir until dissolved. Pour over ice in tall glasses, garnish with mint and thin slices of watermelon, if desired, and serve.
Per serving (about 6oz/172g-wt.): 60 calories (0 from fat), 0g total fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 15g total carbohydrate (0g dietary fiber, 13g sugar), 0g protein
Here's to long summer walks, sun sets, Harlem nights, and time spent with someone who God designed just for you! Here's to Lemonade & Peaches every day of your life!
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