Who knew sleeping on stones could be so comfortable?! I am so in love with this Living Stones lounge set designed by French interior designer, Stephanie Marin of Smarin Design. I think it would be the perfect edition to creating a perfect indoor "Green" oasis.. which makes it a perfect addition to my vision board! Dear Stephanie Marin, please send free livingstones to make my life complete :-) And please be sure to check out the website for other great indoor/outdoor design.

Smarin has presented Stéphanie Marin's creations since 2004, and each year it offers a family of objects in which each element is used independently or together: soft forms and simple lines that match each other and overlap to infinity.
Euphoria and lightness of furniture: a consideration which is centred around our relationship to the environment, the need to remember and to experience movement in nature. Metaphorical objects that are useful and beautiful for a new habitat.
An independent design philosophy, responsible eco-development design, and 100% French production: in the workshop in Nice craftsmanlike know-how and creative exuberance are combined, and we see the birth of top-of-the-range production where added value means innovation and quality.
These are so freaking cool!