This may seem odd.. who would go around just giving delicious green apples away? C'mon I live in Harlem.. that type of thing may just get you shot! (just kidding) But I just held steadfast to my vision of a Green Apple. I imagined the size of the apple, how big it would be in the palm of my hand. I even imagined how the apple would taste in my mouth.. how juicy it would be. I created the image and I let it go.. never thinking of it again.
I'd say about week later on a sunny Sunday afternoon, I went on a walk to meet a friend of mine who lived in Harlem. As he was like a super vegan health nut.. and a straight black guy.. how random :) he was going grocery shopping and asked me to come along. Sure 'nuff not after a few mins. of wandering around Pathmark and him schooling me on healthy eating, he picked up a shiny Green Apple and asked if I would like for him to buy it for me. <<---- BEST APPLE EVER!! I wish I could remember HIS name or number.. but that's a different story.
Which basically brings me to my point that in order to get what we want we have to learn how to think a different way. You must know what you want and be specific and definite. You can never get rich or start the creative power into action by sending out unformed longings and vague desires. I wanted a delicious green apple.. not an apple. I knew how it felt in my hand.. I knew how it tasted. If you were going to send a text message to a friend, you would not send the letters of the alphabet in their order and let him construct the message for himself, nor would you take words random from the dictionary. You would send a coherent sentence, one which meant something. That is how you must communicate with God! Be specific and definite. That is why vision boards are so effective! Imagine your dream home. Cut out pictures. Imagine yourself walking through the rooms.. cooking things in your dream kitchen.
AND!!! Do not hesitate to ask a lot from the God. People look at poverty as if it is a part of the plan, a necessity of nature. They have the idea that God has finished his work, and made all that he can make, and that the majority of people must stay poor because there is not enough to go around. <---NOT TRUE! The Universe is infinite! There is more than enough for everyone!
In order to create "something" out of "nothing" a person must pass from the competitive to the CREATIVE mind. Others may not allow you to go on, become something NEW.. but your CREATOR does.. and we are here to CREATE. You must form a clear mental picture of the things you want and hold this picture in your thoughts with the fixed PURPOSE to get what you want, and the unwavering FAITH that you do get what you want, closing your mind to all that shakes your purpose or dims your vision.
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